Splendid Toadfish: Cozumel’s Hidden Gem

Splendid Toadfish: Cozumel’s Hidden Gem Today, we’re unraveling the enigma of the Splendid Toadfish, a fascinating creature endemic to Cozumel. Scientists have identified this fish, known scientifically as Sanopus splendidus, as a unique species that exclusively inhabits the warm waters of the Caribbean, particularly around Cozumel.   Splendid Toadfish’s Colors and Characteristics Measuring around 20…

Seahorse Cozumel

Seahorse Curiosities in the Caribbean

Curiosities of Seahorse Cozumel Have you ever wondered about the world of seahorses? We are lucky to be able to enjoy these marine animals in Cozumel. Join us as we dive into the Caribbean in Cozumel to unravel the secrets of these fascinating yet fragile friends. Help us on the Cozumel seahorse conservation. Cozumel Seahorse…